I have been involved in organising the 'Edge of the Wild' ecopsychology gatherings since 2013. The Edge of the Wild Gathering is an annual event that brings together people interested in the field (or bramble patch) of ecopsychology. The gathering seeks to bring the ecopsychology movement of UK and Europe together to explore a rich diversity of perspectives.
Next Gathering: July 2018
Location: Green & Away, Worcestershire UK
Why do people come?
The 2016 Edge of the Wild gathered around the theme of Heartlands. Blessed with sun-drenched days and starry nights, it was an inspiring and re-vitalizing event. Many participants returned from previous years and the new faces arriving were welcomed wholeheartedly into the community. A reflective and ceremonial tone of gratitude to the earth was set by our wonderful keynote guests, Hilary Prentice and Colin Campbell, both offering profound and thought-provoking presentations to bring us closer to our place in, and our relationship to, the cosmos.
There was a great selection of workshops and Open Space sessions continued our exploration of stated and emergent themes of this year's gathering. Many came for the first time, a vibrant community formed from friendships, old and new, exploring conversation, ideas, music, art, dance, poetry and laughter over a long weekend. We swam in the river, acknowledged the land we camped on and listened to the night creatures. The sun was hot and the seeds were sown for meeting again in 2017.